Burgess Instructional Pool: Heater Issues

The Burgess Instructional Pool heater is down. The current pool temperature is 79F as of today 5:30pm Monday, March 17th.

Pool Safety: Teach babies to find the wall

Pool Safety: Teach babies to find the wall

anonymous  /  July 8, 2014

So, it’s July. The time of year I feel compelled to shout from the digital rooftops that drowning is one of the greatest causes of accidental death for kids under 5- in some states it is THE leading cause. It doesn’t have to be.

The most important thing you can DO- teach your babies to swim. If they aren’t babies anymore teach your toddlers. If they aren’t toddlers anymore teach your kids. If they aren’t kids anymore teach your teens. If they aren’t teens anymore- by them adult lessons as a gift. If YOU can’t swim- take lessons and change your life.  Fear and logistics are hard to overcome sometimes but it is so worth it. Message me if you find yourself in this situation and I’ll talk you through the hesitation.

The most important thing you can TEACH babies, toddlers, and kids is how to find the wall if they jump or fall in a pool. If you have them jump or sit/fall (humpty dumpties) in and turn them back to the wall (away from you) over and over again it will become a habit. No water wings. No fins. No life jackets. They won’t have those if they fall in accidentally.

Stand at the side of the wall so they are not jumping to YOU. They need to jump into the water in front of them- not to a person. Pat the water to show them where. Then you can guide them to turn around and help them back to the wall over and over until they can do it by themselves. Turn them away from you so they see the wall and not you first. You do not want them looking for YOU, you want them looking for the wall.

The thing to remember is that the wall will always be there (in a pool.) You may not. In order to help them become independent swimmers we have be very careful we are not teaching them to rely upon us. Or floaties. Or fins. Or life jackets. (Unless boating.)

Teach them to rely on the wall, the water, the air inside them, their bodies and their own knowledge and experience. As parents and teachers we are needed for the process. But the goal of the process is for them not to need us anymore.

Every parent can teach their little ones these skills. Just take the opportunities you have (every time you go to a pool) or making opportunities if they don’t present themselves. Talk to them often about swimming and safety and to make wise choices about water.

The miracle of seeing someone swim who previously couldn’t never gets old for me. It’s SO amazing. It is a joy to behold.
