When to start swim lessons?

When to start swim lessons?

anonymous  /  February 11, 2014

Parents often ask us this question, which is a totally valid and great question. Usually they ask with a bit of hesitation in their voice, particularly when they have a child under the age of 1 year old. The reality is the sooner the better!

Our Menlo Swim School starts at 6 months old with the main focus and idea to provide a structured environment for the little ones where they can become comfortable in the water.

There has been extensive research done by Griffith University in Australia, focusing on swimmers under the age of 5. Through general observation of swim schools the following was always noted, “young swimmers are more confident, more articulate, more social and perhaps even a little ‘smarter’ than their non-swimming peers.”

Many Australians wanted confirmation of this and so the research began and continues today.

At Menlo Swim School, we take notice of these same observations in our own programming and feel the research conducted is conclusive and accurate. The major obstacle many parents have is their child’s apprehension or fear of participating. This may be caused by many variables, such as the following:

Strange new person (the instructor)
Strange new environment (pool facility)
Separation anxiety from parent

The key to overcoming any of these issues is supporting your child through this transition and developing strong communication with the swim school staff. The sooner we can help facilitate a connection between the child and instructor/coach, the sooner we can see results!

See you on the deck!