The phone lines at Burgess & Belle Haven Pool are currently unavailable. Please reach out to us by email at for assistance in the meantime.
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 7.00pm. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Fins for leg strength. 7.00pm freestyle focused clinic/workout for endurance freestylers and triathletes.
Time: 8.30am. Place: Leo Ryan Park, Foster City. Coach: Tim. FEARSOME FOURSOME #3. SUPER SWIM. 2 person, 10 mile relay swim on looped open water course. Each loop will be[...]
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 7.00pm. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Fins for leg and tech work. 7.00pm freestyle focused clinic/workout for endurance freestylers and triathletes.
Time: 8.30am. Place: Woodside Elementary. Coach: Tim/Mike. IM simulation #2. Bike: 112 miles on standard looped course. Run: 60 mins out n back Canada.