Belle Haven Pool: Instructional Pool Closure

The Belle Haven Instructional Pool will be closed for maintenance on Wednesday, January 8 from 11:00am – 3:00pm. Thank you

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Repeat 400’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 1 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Repeat 400’s.
Team Sheeper Swim
Swim on own at Masters or at lap swim. Complete timed 500.
Team Sheeper Swim
Oct 1 all-day
Swim on own at Masters or at lap swim. Complete timed 500.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Repeat 125’s w/1st and last lap backstroke.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 2 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Repeat 125’s w/1st and last lap backstroke.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. Power 25’s and 50’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 3 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. Power 25’s and 50’s.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Mike. Up OLH, down west 84, up west OLH, down 84, up kings, down Kings, Canada out n  back.
Team Sheeper Bike
Oct 3 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Mike. Up OLH, down west 84, up west OLH, down 84, up kings, down Kings, Canada out n  back.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Breast. Breastroke in the middle of most swims.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 4 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Breast. Breastroke in the middle of most swims.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 8.30am. Place: Geng Rd. Coach: Mike Classic out n back to Shoreline Lake. 11 miles.
Team Sheeper Run
Oct 4 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Geng Rd. Coach: Mike Classic out n back to Shoreline Lake. 11 miles.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Negative split 300’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 5 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Negative split 300’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. 25’s, 50’s, 75’s that begin w/fly, end w/ free.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 6 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. 25’s, 50’s, 75’s that begin w/fly, end w/ free.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Priory. Coach: Mike. Week #1, Bootleg IM Run. 1 mile, 1200m, 800, 400. Record total running time for the 10 laps.
Team Sheeper Run
Oct 6 all-day
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Priory. Coach: Mike. Week #1, Bootleg IM Run. 1 mile, 1200m, 800, 400. Record total running time for the 10 laps.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Back embedded 200’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 7 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Back embedded 200’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. 1000 straight. Pulling option if you bring your own gear.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 8 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. 1000 straight. Pulling option if you bring your own gear.
Team Sheeper Swim
Swim on your own at Masters or lap swim. Complete timed 500.
Team Sheeper Swim
Oct 8 all-day
Swim on your own at Masters or lap swim. Complete timed 500.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Underwater and leg work.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 9 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Underwater and leg work.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Drills and speed.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 10 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Drills and speed.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Mike. Up Pagemill, down west Alpine, up west OLH, down 84.
Team Sheeper Bike
Oct 10 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Mike. Up Pagemill, down west Alpine, up west OLH, down 84.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Broken 100’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 11 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Broken 100’s.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 8.30am. Place: Windy Hill. Coach: Mike. Razorback to Hamms Gulch. Clockwise loop.
Team Sheeper Run
Oct 11 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Windy Hill. Coach: Mike. Razorback to Hamms Gulch. Clockwise loop.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. 150’s free, 75’s IM.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 12 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. 150’s free, 75’s IM.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Cutdown 500, 400, 300, 200.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 13 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Cutdown 500, 400, 300, 200.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Priory. Coach: Mike. BOOTLEG IM #2. 2 x 1.25 mile, record overall 10 lap running time.
Team Sheeper Run
Oct 13 all-day
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Priory. Coach: Mike. BOOTLEG IM #2. 2 x 1.25 mile, record overall 10 lap running time.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time; 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Power 50’s free, power 50’s breast w/ flutter kick.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 14 all-day
Time; 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Power 50’s free, power 50’s breast w/ flutter kick.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Fly. Short fly, long free
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 15 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Fly. Short fly, long free
Team Sheeper Swim
Swim on your own or at lap swim and complete timed 500.
Team Sheeper Swim
Oct 15 all-day
Swim on your own or at lap swim and complete timed 500.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. 2 x 12 minute swims.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 16 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. 2 x 12 minute swims.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. Repeat 50’s on short rest intervals.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 17 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. Repeat 50’s on short rest intervals.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Mike. Canada, Polhemus, Crystal Springs, Canada, Kings, down 84, Portola, Alpine.
Team Sheeper Bike
Oct 17 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Mike. Canada, Polhemus, Crystal Springs, Canada, Kings, down 84, Portola, Alpine.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Long, free swims w/ drills and descends embedded.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 18 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Long, free swims w/ drills and descends embedded.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 8.30am. Place: Runnymeade. Coach: Mike. Crystal Springs, Dean, counter clockwise loop.
Team Sheeper Run
Oct 18 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Runnymeade. Coach: Mike. Crystal Springs, Dean, counter clockwise loop.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins and leg work. Bring your own fins.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 19 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins and leg work. Bring your own fins.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Back and breast dominant IM’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 20 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Back and breast dominant IM’s.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Priory. Coach: Mike. IM Run #3. 5 x 800m. Record overall run  time.
Team Sheeper Run
Oct 20 all-day
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Priory. Coach: Mike. IM Run #3. 5 x 800m. Record overall run  time.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Threshold 300’s. Pulling option if you bring your own gear.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 21 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Threshold 300’s. Pulling option if you bring your own gear.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Leg and lung underwater work.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 22 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Leg and lung underwater work.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Home. Coach: Ian. ZWIFT group ride kickoff.
Team Sheeper Bike
Oct 22 all-day
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Home. Coach: Ian. ZWIFT group ride kickoff.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Repeat 75’s back, repeat 100’s free.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 23 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Repeat 75’s back, repeat 100’s free.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. 800, 400, 200.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 24 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. 800, 400, 200.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Mike. Foothill, Monte Bello, return.
Team Sheeper Bike
Oct 24 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Mike. Foothill, Monte Bello, return.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. 200’s IM and free.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 25 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. 200’s IM and free.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 8.30am. Place: Parking lot across from Oracle. Coach: Mike. 10-12 miles out n back. Faster return.
Team Sheeper Run
Oct 25 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Parking lot across from Oracle. Coach: Mike. 10-12 miles out n back. Faster return.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. Power 25’s and 12.5’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 26 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. Power 25’s and 12.5’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Rhythm and flow. 3 x 8 minuet swims. Pulling option if you bring your own gear.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 27 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Rhythm and flow. 3 x 8 minuet swims. Pulling option if you bring your own gear.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Priory. Coach: Mike. IM run #4. 10 x 400. Record overall run time.
Team Sheeper Run
Oct 27 all-day
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Priory. Coach: Mike. IM run #4. 10 x 400. Record overall run time.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Fins for leg work. Bring your own fins.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 28 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Fins for leg work. Bring your own fins.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. KILLER QUAD LITE. 35 minute straight swim.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 29 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. KILLER QUAD LITE. 35 minute straight swim.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Home. Coach: Iam. ZWIFT session.
Team Sheeper Bike
Oct 29 all-day
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Home. Coach: Iam. ZWIFT session.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. KILLER QUAD LITE. 35 minute straight swim.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 30 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. KILLER QUAD LITE. 35 minute straight swim.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. KILLER QUAD LITE. 35 minute straight swim.
Menlo Masters Swim
Oct 31 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 6.45am, 7.30am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. KILLER QUAD LITE. 35 minute straight swim.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Mike. OLH, 84, Haskins, Pescadero, Stage, Tunitas.
Team Sheeper Bike
Oct 31 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Mike. OLH, 84, Haskins, Pescadero, Stage, Tunitas.