Mes: junio 2014
¡Lo que realmente ocurre bajo el agua!
anonymous / junio 25, 2014
Water polo is a huge mystery to most of the world because half of the sport is played underwater. One of the most commonly used phrases in the sport of water polo is “If the referee cant see it, it didn’t happen”.
Top 5 Triathlon Websites
Mike Osmond / junio 24, 2014
Triathlon is a sport that seems simple on the surface, you swim, ride your bike, and run. But once you start participating, there are myriads of questions.
Beyond Studio Cycling this summer!
anonymous / junio 19, 2014
If you have been spending time in the San Francisco Bay Area recently, then you know we have been experiencing hotter than normal temperatures as early as May of this year. And, it looks like the summer of 2014 is going to be a hot one!
What age should kids join a swim team?
anonymous / junio 17, 2014
The typical age for a child to join a swim team is 5-7 years old. I am the first to say it is a great idea to start your child out swimming young! However, in order for your swimmer to be prepared for success, your child should be equipped with these few key things before joining.
Meet the Staff: Jessica Tezak
anonymous / junio 16, 2014
Meet Menlo Swim and Sport lifeguard Jessica Tezak!
MB’s Dip Tips: Kicking Drills
anonymous / junio 5, 2014
Kick sets are essential for overall swimming fitness. When on your stomach using a kickboard, put your face in the water to better simulate swimming position.
Descripción general del waterpolo con Brenda Villa
anonymous / junio 3, 2014
Did you know that Water polo is the oldest “TEAM” sport in the Olympic program? Did you know that women’s water was only added to the program in the year 2000?