El otoño está en el aire: Entrenamientos de postemporada

El otoño está en el aire: Entrenamientos de postemporada

anonymous  /  septiembre 30, 2014

With summertime coming to an end, and with cooler weather and the days getting shorter now that we have entered into the fall months, you might feel like heading indoors more often to work out.

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My hair remembers

My hair remembers

anonymous  /  septiembre 25, 2014

Last night, I picked up our 17 year old daughter Kate from high school and stopped at Safeway to pick up something for dinner. Kate wanted to wait in the car while I went in and I did the shopping.

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All about water excercise

All about water excercise

anonymous  /  septiembre 24, 2014

So you swim several times a week and once and a while you stop at the gym to work out on the machines. It’s a good workout but you are feeling bored with the routine. You should try water exercise.

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Fish Friendzy – help us name our fish friends

Fish Friendzy: ayúdanos a ponerle nombre a nuestros amigos los peces

anonymous  /  septiembre 23, 2014

Menlo Swim School has new characters joining the team! All these fish can be found swimming around tropical reefs on islands like Hawai’I, the Caribbean, and Tahiti. We have adopted these fish and now they need names.

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To Train or Not To Train

To Train or Not To Train

anonymous  /  septiembre 16, 2014

I train almost every day and often twice per day which is called a “brick”. I always swim and then either run, or stationary bike or real bike. Its unusual for me not to do this.

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En busca del lobby

En busca del lobby

anonymous  /  septiembre 9, 2014

As a Menlo Swim School instructor, I’m in the water with your kids. When not in the water with your kids I’m at home with my kids…2 daughters, 17 and 13 yrs. old. So I speak both Instructorese and Parentese!

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You Can’t Outrun Father Time!

¡No puedes escapar del Padre Tiempo!

Mike Osmond  /  septiembre 3, 2014

Aging is something we all have in common, and triathlon is a sport where its effects can show up in a variety of ways. Many people would commonly think that as you get older you will just get slower, but this is not necessarily the case.

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