Mes: enero 2019
Menlo Fit: Taji 100
Patrick Marion / enero 31, 2019
FREE COMMUNITY WALK/ RUN: TAJI 100 CHALLENGE with MENLO FIT! Looking ahead for a new goal? Come join Menlo Fit boot campers as we participate in the Taji 100 Challenge […]
The Burgess Women’s Locker Room will have maintenance on Friday, October 11th from 10:00am – 12:00pm. The restroom and showers will be CLOSED during this time. Please plan your trip to the pool accordingly. Thank you.
FREE COMMUNITY WALK/ RUN: TAJI 100 CHALLENGE with MENLO FIT! Looking ahead for a new goal? Come join Menlo Fit boot campers as we participate in the Taji 100 Challenge […]
Menlo Swim and Sport 501 Laurel Street, Menlo Park, CA 94025 650-781-5525