Mes: enero 2017

Desafío Taji 100
Kristen Brosamer / enero 31, 2017
PARTICIPATE! For the past two years, a group of us from All-Terrain Runners have joined a non-profit challenge for February called the Taji 100. Started by a local group, the […]
The Burgess Instructional Pool heater is experiencing some issues and will need to have maintenance done. The current pool temperature is 84F as of 2:30pm, Wednesday, Feb 5th.
PARTICIPATE! For the past two years, a group of us from All-Terrain Runners have joined a non-profit challenge for February called the Taji 100. Started by a local group, the […]
Menlo Swim and Sport 501 Laurel Street, Menlo Park, CA 94025 650-781-5525