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Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins for fun.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 1 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins for fun.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Threshold 200’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 2 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Threshold 200’s.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Mike. Up OLH, down 84, up and down Kings.
Team Sheeper Bike
Dic 2 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Mike. Up OLH, down 84, up and down Kings.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Drafting & lead changes.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 3 all-day
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Drafting & lead changes.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 8.30am. Place: Oracle parking lot. Coach: Mike. Out and back San Mateo bridge.
Team Sheeper Run
Dic 3 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Oracle parking lot. Coach: Mike. Out and back San Mateo bridge.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Breath control.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 4 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Breath control.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Long axis emphasis.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 5 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Long axis emphasis.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Runnymede Rd. Coach: Mike. Rucking.
Team Sheeper Run
Dic 5 all-day
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Runnymede Rd. Coach: Mike. Rucking.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling for max yards.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 6 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling for max yards.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. 12.5’s & 25’s for speed.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 7 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. 12.5’s & 25’s for speed.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Fins for leg work.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 8 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Fins for leg work.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. 10 x 50’s. Best times.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 9 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. 10 x 50’s. Best times.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike. Bike: 2.5 hrs foothills. NET KING. Swim: 10 x 50’s best time possible. ( Masters session). Tennis: 10  serves.
Team Sheeper Bike
Dic 9 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike. Bike: 2.5 hrs foothills. NET KING. Swim: 10 x 50’s best time possible. ( Masters session). Tennis: 10  serves.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Aerobic pyramids.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 10 all-day
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Aerobic pyramids.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 8.30am. Place: Woodside Elementary. Coach: Tim. Crystal, Dean loop.
Team Sheeper Run
Dic 10 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Woodside Elementary. Coach: Tim. Crystal, Dean loop.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. 10 x 100 free, 10 x 75 IM.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 11 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. 10 x 100 free, 10 x 75 IM.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Drill & aerobic flow.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 12 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Drill & aerobic flow.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Edgewood & Canada. Coach: Tim. Rucking.
Team Sheeper Run
Dic 12 all-day
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Edgewood & Canada. Coach: Tim. Rucking.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Fast finishes.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 13 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Fast finishes.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Repeat 100’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 14 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Repeat 100’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling w/ tech & flow.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 15 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling w/ tech & flow.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins for speed.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 16 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins for speed.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike Bike ride followed by DONUTS. (DONUT KING).
Team Sheeper Bike
Dic 16 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike Bike ride followed by DONUTS. (DONUT KING).
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Free that finishes fast. IM’s that start fast.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 17 all-day
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Free that finishes fast. IM’s that start fast.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike. HOOP KING. 10 x 400’s during bike ride. 10 x free throws.
Team Sheeper Bike
Dic 17 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike. HOOP KING. 10 x 400’s during bike ride. 10 x free throws.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. 250’s & 500’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 18 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. 250’s & 500’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Pacing.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 19 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Pacing.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Runnymede Rd. Coach: Tim. Rucking.
Team Sheeper Run
Dic 19 all-day
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Runnymede Rd. Coach: Tim. Rucking.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Fins for wall work.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 20 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Fins for wall work.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling with power.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 21 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling with power.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Leg emphasis.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 22 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Leg emphasis.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Descending swims.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 23 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Descending swims.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike. Canada Rd, Ralston, Crystal Springs, Trousdale, return.
Team Sheeper Bike
Dic 23 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike. Canada Rd, Ralston, Crystal Springs, Trousdale, return.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 12 non. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Kicking, drilling, swimming.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 26 all-day
Time: 12 non. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Kicking, drilling, swimming.
Team Sheeper Run
Team Sheeper Run
Dic 26 all-day
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins, tech, drills.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 27 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins, tech, drills.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Repeat 150’s moderate.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 28 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Repeat 150’s moderate.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling, aerobic flow.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 29 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling, aerobic flow.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. Kicking, drilling, sculling.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 30 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. Kicking, drilling, sculling.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike OLH, West Alpine.
Team Sheeper Bike
Dic 30 all-day
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike OLH, West Alpine.