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Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Long/Long Stroke: Free/Back Long, free, repeat 400’s, aerobic maintenance Long, back, kicking, drilling, sprinting, embedded in swims.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 1 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Long/Long Stroke: Free/Back Long, free, repeat 400’s, aerobic maintenance Long, back, kicking, drilling, sprinting, embedded in swims.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Location: Burgess Distance: Short Stroke: Free/Fly Kicking emphasis. Fins & speed relays.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 2 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Location: Burgess Distance: Short Stroke: Free/Fly Kicking emphasis. Fins & speed relays.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 8.00am Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/IM 300 free, 100 IM.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 3 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 8.00am Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/IM 300 free, 100 IM.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am Place: Burgess Coach: Tim/Jess GRAVEL LOOP A Ride: Foothill, Montebello, Gravel section, Pagemill B ride: Foothill, Montebello up & down, Foothill.
Team Sheeper Bike
Dic 3 all-day
Time: 8.30am Place: Burgess Coach: Tim/Jess GRAVEL LOOP A Ride: Foothill, Montebello, Gravel section, Pagemill B ride: Foothill, Montebello up & down, Foothill.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 7.00am Place: Burgess Distance: Short Stroke: Free/Choice Power 75’s, floaty 50’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 4 all-day
Time: 7.00am Place: Burgess Distance: Short Stroke: Free/Choice Power 75’s, floaty 50’s.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 8.30am Place: Woodside Elementary Coach: Tim Bay Tree, Toyon Camp, Crystal, Richards, Wall, Canada Rd.
Team Sheeper Run
Dic 4 all-day
Time: 8.30am Place: Woodside Elementary Coach: Tim Bay Tree, Toyon Camp, Crystal, Richards, Wall, Canada Rd.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free One cut down, one pyramid.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 5 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free One cut down, one pyramid.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/Breast 200 free w/ 3 dolphin kicks off wall, 100 breast w/ 3 pulldowns off each wall.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 6 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/Breast 200 free w/ 3 dolphin kicks off wall, 100 breast w/ 3 pulldowns off each wall.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 6.00pm Place: Burgess Coach: Tim Track repeats, arm & leg strength exercises embedded.
Team Sheeper Run
Dic 6 all-day
Time: 6.00pm Place: Burgess Coach: Tim Track repeats, arm & leg strength exercises embedded.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free Fins with leg strength emphasis.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 7 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free Fins with leg strength emphasis.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Long/Mid Stroke: Free/IM Long, free, pulling 500’s, 100’s Mid, IM, balanced & unbalanced swims.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 8 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Long/Mid Stroke: Free/IM Long, free, pulling 500’s, 100’s Mid, IM, balanced & unbalanced swims.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/Back 75 x 25 reps, training for Killer Quad.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 9 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/Back 75 x 25 reps, training for Killer Quad.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 8.00am Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free Drafting, follow the leader.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 10 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 8.00am Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free Drafting, follow the leader.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am Place: Burgess Coach: Tim/Jess/Abe A Ride: OLH, 84, West Alpine, Skyline, 84 B Ride: OLH, 84, West OLH, 84.
Team Sheeper Bike
Dic 10 all-day
Time: 8.30am Place: Burgess Coach: Tim/Jess/Abe A Ride: OLH, 84, West Alpine, Skyline, 84 B Ride: OLH, 84, West OLH, 84.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 7.00am Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/IM Free dominant IM’s.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 11 all-day
Time: 7.00am Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/IM Free dominant IM’s.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 8.30am Place: Burgess Coach: Tim GRAND SLAM Requires team of 2, tennis racquets, tennis balls. Run to 4 tennis courts, 100 volleys each court.
Team Sheeper Run
Dic 11 all-day
Time: 8.30am Place: Burgess Coach: Tim GRAND SLAM Requires team of 2, tennis racquets, tennis balls. Run to 4 tennis courts, 100 volleys each court.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/IM Power 200’s free, IM for drill, kicking, recovery.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 12 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/IM Power 200’s free, IM for drill, kicking, recovery.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Short Stroke: Free/Back Drills, sprints, leg work.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 13 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Short Stroke: Free/Back Drills, sprints, leg work.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 6.00pm Place: Burgess Coach: Tim Track repeats w/ leg strength embedded.
Team Sheeper Run
Dic 13 all-day
Time: 6.00pm Place: Burgess Coach: Tim Track repeats w/ leg strength embedded.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stoke: Free Pulling, aerobic maintenance.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 14 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stoke: Free Pulling, aerobic maintenance.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Long/Short Stroke: Free/Fly Long, free, dps, power, single arm Short, fly, power 15m of fly.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 15 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Long/Short Stroke: Free/Fly Long, free, dps, power, single arm Short, fly, power 15m of fly.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Short Stroke: Fly/Breast Circuits
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 16 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Short Stroke: Fly/Breast Circuits
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 8.00am Place: Burgess Distance:Mid Stroke: Free/Back Fins, threshold & above efforts.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 17 all-day
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 8.00am Place: Burgess Distance:Mid Stroke: Free/Back Fins, threshold & above efforts.
Team Sheeper Ride
Time: 8.30am Place: Burgess Coach: Tim/Jess/Abe DONUT KING A ride: OLH, Kings, Canada, Jefferson B ride: OLH, Kings, Jefferson
Team Sheeper Ride
Dic 17 all-day
Time: 8.30am Place: Burgess Coach: Tim/Jess/Abe DONUT KING A ride: OLH, Kings, Canada, Jefferson B ride: OLH, Kings, Jefferson
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 7.00am Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free Building distance w/ short swims, short rest.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 18 all-day
Time: 7.00am Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free Building distance w/ short swims, short rest.
Team Sheeper Run
Time:8.30am Place: Arastradero Preserve Coach: Tim RIDE & TIE Need 1 mountain bike between 2 people. 2 loops on 5 mile course.
Team Sheeper Run
Dic 18 all-day
Time:8.30am Place: Arastradero Preserve Coach: Tim RIDE & TIE Need 1 mountain bike between 2 people. 2 loops on 5 mile course.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Short Stroke: Free/Breast 75, 50, 25 for 10 rounds.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 19 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Short Stroke: Free/Breast 75, 50, 25 for 10 rounds.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/IM 250’s free, 125’s IM.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 20 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/IM 250’s free, 125’s IM.
Team Sheeper Run
Time: 6.00pm Place: Hillsdale High School Track Coach: Tim 2 mile run to Planet Granite. 10 climbs to top of bouldering wall. Run back to track. $20 climbing fee.
Team Sheeper Run
Dic 20 all-day
Time: 6.00pm Place: Hillsdale High School Track Coach: Tim 2 mile run to Planet Granite. 10 climbs to top of bouldering wall. Run back to track. $20 climbing fee.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free/Back Fins, legs & technique w/ short bursts of power.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 21 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free/Back Fins, legs & technique w/ short bursts of power.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Long/Short Stroke: Free/Breast Long, free, pulling, ez flow Short, breast, ez flow.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 22 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Long/Short Stroke: Free/Breast Long, free, pulling, ez flow Short, breast, ez flow.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free KILLER QUAD #3 75 x 100 Potluck breakfast.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 23 all-day
Time: 5.45am Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free KILLER QUAD #3 75 x 100 Potluck breakfast.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free KILLER QUAD #3 75 x 100
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 24 all-day
Time: 5.45am Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free KILLER QUAD #3 75 x 100
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am Place: Burgess Coach: Tim/Mike/Abe A Ride: Foothill, Moody, Pagemill, Arastradero, Alpine, Portola, Canada B Ride: No Canada
Team Sheeper Bike
Dic 24 all-day
Time: 8.30am Place: Burgess Coach: Tim/Mike/Abe A Ride: Foothill, Moody, Pagemill, Arastradero, Alpine, Portola, Canada B Ride: No Canada
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/IM Relaxed flow, stroke counts.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 26 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Mid Stroke: Free/IM Relaxed flow, stroke counts.
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free Pulling, rhythm & flow.
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 27 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free Pulling, rhythm & flow.
Team Sheeper Run
Team Sheeper Run
Dic 27 all-day
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Short Stroke: Free/Breast Free power 50’s, breast power 25’s.  
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 28 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon Place: Burgess Distance: Short Stroke: Free/Breast Free power 50’s, breast power 25’s.  
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Long/Mid Stroke: Free/IM Long, free, fins, drills, kicking IM, mid, fins, drills, kicking
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 29 all-day
Time: 5.45am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm Place: Burgess Distance: Long/Mid Stroke: Free/IM Long, free, fins, drills, kicking IM, mid, fins, drills, kicking
Menlo Masters Swim
Time: 5.45am Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free KILLER QUAD #4 100 x 100
Menlo Masters Swim
Dic 30 all-day
Time: 5.45am Place: Burgess Distance: Long Stroke: Free KILLER QUAD #4 100 x 100