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Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 12 noon only. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Descending free, unbalanced IM’s..
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 2 todo el día
Time: 12 noon only. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Descending free, unbalanced IM’s..
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Kicking, drilling, swimming, sprinting .
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 3 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Kicking, drilling, swimming, sprinting .
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Choice. Fins, legs, speed.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 4 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Choice. Fins, legs, speed.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike. Up OLH, down 84, Canada out n back.
Team Sheeper Bike
Ene 4 todo el día
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike. Up OLH, down 84, Canada out n back.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Drafting & lead changes.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 5 todo el día
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Drafting & lead changes.
Carrera del equipo Sheeper
Time: 8.30am. Place: Geng Rd. Coach: Tim. 60 – 100′ @ steady aerobic pace, after 20′ warmup.
Carrera del equipo Sheeper
Ene 5 todo el día
Time: 8.30am. Place: Geng Rd. Coach: Tim. 60 – 100′ @ steady aerobic pace, after 20′ warmup.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. 150’s = free descending, 125, 100, 75 = IM’s. Decreasing distance, increasing intensity.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 6 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. 150’s = free descending, 125, 100, 75 = IM’s. Decreasing distance, increasing intensity.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins, leg emphasis, underwater & surface kicking.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 7 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins, leg emphasis, underwater & surface kicking.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. A festival of 50’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 8 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. A festival of 50’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling, hi tempo flow.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 9 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling, hi tempo flow.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Pyramids w/ all swims starting w/ backstroke.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 10 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Pyramids w/ all swims starting w/ backstroke.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. 75’s = power free, 25’s = power stroke.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 11 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. 75’s = power free, 25’s = power stroke.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike. Up OLH, down Kings, Portola loop.
Team Sheeper Bike
Ene 11 todo el día
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike. Up OLH, down Kings, Portola loop.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Free @ threshold, IM’s w/ fly & breast drilling.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 12 todo el día
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Free @ threshold, IM’s w/ fly & breast drilling.
Carrera del equipo Sheeper
Time: 8.30am. Place: Oracle. Coach: Tim. 60′ – 100′ @ steady aerobic pace following a 20′ warmup.
Carrera del equipo Sheeper
Ene 12 todo el día
Time: 8.30am. Place: Oracle. Coach: Tim. 60′ – 100′ @ steady aerobic pace following a 20′ warmup.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Diustance; Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling, descending 300’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 13 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Diustance; Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling, descending 300’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Broken 200’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 14 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Broken 200’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins. Drilling, kicking, sprinting.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 15 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins. Drilling, kicking, sprinting.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Cutdowns from 200’s to 25’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 16 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Cutdowns from 200’s to 25’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Mixing & matching arms & legs @ high and low intensities.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 17 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Mixing & matching arms & legs @ high and low intensities.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Cutdown from 600 to 100.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 18 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Cutdown from 600 to 100.
Team Sheeper Bike
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike. Up & down Pagemill, Alpine, Portola loop.
Team Sheeper Bike
Ene 18 todo el día
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Tim/Mike. Up & down Pagemill, Alpine, Portola loop.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. 800, 400, 200, 500, 300, 100.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 19 todo el día
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. 800, 400, 200, 500, 300, 100.
Carrera del equipo Sheeper
Time: 8.30am. Place: Sawyer Camp. Coach: Tim. 60 – 100′ @ steady aerobic pace, following 20′ warmup.
Carrera del equipo Sheeper
Ene 19 todo el día
Time: 8.30am. Place: Sawyer Camp. Coach: Tim. 60 – 100′ @ steady aerobic pace, following 20′ warmup.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Fins. Technique, kicking & threshold efforts.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 20 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Fins. Technique, kicking & threshold efforts.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. 10 x 25, 10 x 50, 10 x 75.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 21 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. 10 x 25, 10 x 50, 10 x 75.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling for aerobic flow.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 22 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling for aerobic flow.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Balanced & unbalanced 250’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 23 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Balanced & unbalanced 250’s.