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Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 8.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. KILLER QUAD #4. 100 x 100. Reservations required.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 1 todo el día
Time: 8.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. KILLER QUAD #4. 100 x 100. Reservations required.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Recovery, stretch and float.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 2 todo el día
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Recovery, stretch and float.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Leg emphasis.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 3 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Leg emphasis.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Breaststroke emphasis.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 4 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Breaststroke emphasis.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling for endurance.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 5 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling for endurance.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free. 200’s at threshold with ample recovery. 7.00pm drills and technique.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 6 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free. 200’s at threshold with ample recovery. 7.00pm drills and technique.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins, speed, power, technique.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 7 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins, speed, power, technique.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. 1000’s and 500’s w/ solid tempo.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 8 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. 1000’s and 500’s w/ solid tempo.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time; 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. Kicks, drills, sprints, challenges.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 9 todo el día
Time; 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. Kicks, drills, sprints, challenges.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. 200’s at threshold with ample recovery.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 10 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. 200’s at threshold with ample recovery.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Aerobic flow with tech and drills.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 11 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Aerobic flow with tech and drills.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Leg emphasis.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 12 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Leg emphasis.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling for power. 7.00pm, free with drills and technique.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 13 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling for power. 7.00pm, free with drills and technique.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Mixing strokes and aquatic coordination.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 14 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Mixing strokes and aquatic coordination.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast/Fly. Speedy 30 sec efforts.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 15 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast/Fly. Speedy 30 sec efforts.
Maestros de Menlo
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Plain and fancy (with gear).
Maestros de Menlo
Ene 16 todo el día
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Plain and fancy (with gear).
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Fins for aerobic maintenance and strength.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 17 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Fins for aerobic maintenance and strength.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Power 25’s, 50’s and 75’s with varying rest periods.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 18 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Power 25’s, 50’s and 75’s with varying rest periods.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling for aerobic maintenance and strength.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 19 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling for aerobic maintenance and strength.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Flow all the way to go. 7.00pm, repeat 200’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 20 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon, 7.00pm. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. Flow all the way to go. 7.00pm, repeat 200’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Kicking, drilling, underwaters and fun sprints.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 21 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Kicking, drilling, underwaters and fun sprints.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. 200’s at threshold with ample recovery.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 22 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. 200’s at threshold with ample recovery.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Legs, lungs and tempo.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 23 todo el día
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Breast. Legs, lungs and tempo.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling for power and technique.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 24 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Pulling for power and technique.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. 200’s at threshold with ample recovery.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 25 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/Back. 200’s at threshold with ample recovery.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Power 25’s and 50’s with long rest.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 26 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Power 25’s and 50’s with long rest.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. 7.00pm. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Wall and streamline work. 7.00pm, repeat 400’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 27 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. 7.00pm. Place: Burgess. Distance: Long. Stroke: Free. Wall and streamline work. 7.00pm, repeat 400’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Various styles and methods of constructing IM’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 28 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free/IM. Various styles and methods of constructing IM’s.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. Visiting the power band.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 29 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Choice. Visiting the power band.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free. Repeats using timed periods.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 30 todo el día
Time: 7.00am. Place: Burgess. Distance: Mid. Stroke: Free. Repeats using timed periods.
Menlo Masters Natación
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins and high tempo.
Menlo Masters Natación
Ene 31 todo el día
Time: 6.00am, 7.00am, 12 noon. Place: Burgess. Distance: Short. Stroke: Free/Fly. Fins and high tempo.