Burgess Pool: Women's Locker Room Closure on Friday, October 11 from 10:00am - 12:00pm
The Burgess Women’s Locker Room will have maintenance on Friday, October 11th from 10:00am – 12:00pm. The restroom and showers will be CLOSED during this time. Please plan your trip to the pool accordingly. Thank you.
Time: 8.30am. Place: Burgess. Coach: Mike. DONUT KING. Foothill, Moody, down Pagemill, Arastradero, Alpine, Portola, Mountain Home, back to Burgess. Donuts to be served in the park.
Time: 6.00pm. Place: Home. Coach: Ian. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8083433010?pwd=UnJnb2VNRzNPbDFUV0FxaDFiZEtYQT09. Workout is in Zwift Academy 2020 folder. It is called Anaerobic Resilence.